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Angel of Fire

«The disc is a terrific achievement and there is much to enjoy. Katerina Mina is clearly a voice to watch out for, and I would certainly hope to hear her live» - Planet Hugill

Pieces by Verdi, Giordano, Beethoven, Wagner, Cilea, Puccini, Hodel and Barber

Soprano Katerina Mina
Conductor Grzegorz Nowak
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

CD / 2018


Look to the Universe, Katerina Mina.JPG

look yo yhe




Nature's Universe

Katerina Mina
Music by Linda Lamon
Produced by Nigel Stonier
Airtight Studios Manchester

EP / 2018



Non Omnis Moriar

Soprano Katerina Mina
Music by Ash Madni
Pianist Nadine Andre
Guitarist Jonathan Hill

CD / 2018



Freedom for Me

Katerina Mina
Music by Linda Lamon
Produced by Nigel Stonier
Airtight Studios Manchester

SINGLE / 2017

